Westwood Lodge is a Listed historic building and we carry out ongoing refurbishment and new work during the quieter winter months. This year, work has started early as we also have planning permission to build an additional cottage on the Victorian building plot to the north of Westwood Lodge. We need to get well advanced before the bad weather sets in! This will temporarily affect The Glenmoor and The Scullery Garden Apartments and noise may, at times, affect other accommodation until February (ish). We will make every effort to keep any disturbance to a minimum. Depending on the work, we may need to allocate some guests another cottage (or apartment) on arrival. We aim to run as near normally as possible with all facilities - except the football nets and upper terrace - open as usual. Cottage gardens and the roof garden will not be affected. Work will only take place between 8am and 4pm (approx) Mondays to Fridays (and possibly Saturday mornings if there have been delays midweek). No work will take place on Saturday afternoons, Sundays or during the Christmas/ New Year period, although it is likely that some materials and equipment will be stored here. The worksite will be fenced and secured at all times with no access. For details of the planned works schedule (which may change depending on weather and other factors), please email us.