Saturday 20 July 2019

Ilkley Summer Festival 2019

Continental Market Weekend
9th 10th & 11th August

as usual the Grove will be closed for that period allowing you to enjoy a traffic free experience while you browse and shop.Various Bands will be appearing on all market days at the Bandstand to entertain you while you shop and relax:
jazz festival 2019
A bit of swing a lot of pizzazzDominic Halpin & the Honey B's

10th August
at the Bandstand
A Celebration of Barry Manilow
Thursday 29th August 7.45 p.m.
Kings Hall Ilkley
The Greatest Pop & Rock Celebration
rock for heroes-1-200-200-100-crop
Friday 30th August 7.45 p.m.
Kings Hall Ilkley
Concert on the GroveBandstand Area, The Grove, ILKLEY 
Saturday 31st August 2019