Tim and Paula have submitted an application to further restore Westwood Lodge to her former glory. Out will go all the remaining 1960's and 70's modern softwood windows to be replaced by proper Victorian style mock sashes. Modern Velux windows will go too, to be replaced by conservation style windows or proper slate dormers in the style of the originals that still exist.
The courtyard cottages will be re-roofed using the original slates that will be carefully removed and relaid with galvanised nails after insulation has been installed and any rotten timbers replaced.
Rusting guttering will be renewed with aluminium retro style in keeping with the originals.
The biggest change will see the original double-hipped roof and glazing to the Victorian writing room (now The Moorview) reinstated to replace the ugly, flat roofed modern monstrosity.
A separate planning application regarding Tim and Paula's domestic living arrangements will be made later in the year.
LATEST - Listing Building Consent was granted on 19th November 2010. A date has yet to be set for when the work will take place.
We've been here for over 12 years and are as determined as ever to fully restore the Westwood Lodge buildings to their former glory for us, our holiday guests, town residents and future generations to enjoy, without the fear of falling back into disrepair through neglect said TimClick here to see how Westwood Lodge will look after completion of the work